Norge Stoves Reviews
50% of customers recommend
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Date created: 2024-06-06
Name: Tina W.
Location: Texas!
Model/Style: 🤔
Satisfaction Rating:
When I turned 12 y.o., we moved into a house that my dad still owns. From that point on, I grew up with a Norge Stove. Don't know if my parents bought it or if it came with the house, but what I DO know is that THAT is THE best stove, hands down, that they could have come across! I am 53 now, & it is STILL in the house..operating at FULL capacity! Sure, the oven & stove-top pilots blow out once in a while, but aside from that, absolutely, positively NO issues!! They TRULY were designed to last a lifetime. Can NOT say that about too many products, ESP. of todays! Wish to God & the ENTIRE universe they were still on the market today! Seriously doubt there is anything now that compares.
Date created: 2013-04-16
Name: Ulysses Verceles
Location: Sonora, CA
Model/Style: Stoves
Satisfaction Rating:
"Convertion kit from natural gas stove to propane gas."
Conversion kit from natural gas stove to propane gas. Is there a kit available?